AppSheet's Essentials : Automations

Transform your workflows and explore AppSheet’s essential components for robust, reusable no-code automation. Welcome to a new series that dives deep into the heart of AppSheet.Tips, features, news, and much more…Today, let’s talk about Automations!

What is an Automation? 🤖

Automation is a module in AppSheet that enables the automation of common business processes. Popular examples include task management, invoicing, and approval workflows. For more details, check out an article on the Idun Group blog that I published on this topic.

An automation is a set of components that, when put together, reproduce a series of tasks.

Google AppSheet automation components architecture.

The table below presents the different components:

Practical Example: Sending a Memo 🔔

To end with a practical example, let’s create a simple reminder to continue the series.

We will use a task tracking template available here!

Let’s start by creating a bot. This will group together the automation you want to execute with AppSheet. Here, when the specified date is reached, we will send ourselves an email reminding us to write the next article.

We will use a bot, an event, and a task.

  1. Open the AppSheet console, go to the “Automation” tab on the left side of the screen, and click on the “+” button.
  2. Confirm the creation of the new bot.

  1. Click on “Configure event.”The configuration panel opens on the right side of the screen.
  1. First, change the “Event type” parameter to “Scheduled.” This option allows you to trigger the bot at a set time or at regular intervals.
  2. Then, choose the frequency and time when the bot will be triggered.
  3. Here, I’ve decided to receive a memo every Tuesday at 12:00 PM.
  1. Click the “Add a step” button.
  1. Select the “Send an email” element, then choose the “Custom template” option.

This allows you to customize the email content however you like.Enter the data associated with the task—I chose my pending tasks—then complete the recipient and content of the email, and that’s it!If you followed my configurations, you’ll receive your memo next Tuesday at noon.

Tip! You can integrate HTML code for more creative designs 🙂

Il est bien sûr possible d’aller beaucoup plus loin, nous n’avons ici que survolé le sujet.

Au sein d’Idun Group cela nous a permis d’automatiser la plupart de nos process pour nous laisser plus de temps aux activités qui nous tiennent à cœur !

Of course, there’s a lot more you can do; we’ve only scratched the surface here.At Idun Group, this has allowed us to automate most of our processes, freeing up time for activities that matter to us!

Do you want to dive deeper into automation?
Are you spending too much time on repetitive tasks? Or do you want to learn more about AppSheet?
Feel free to contact us 👉 Idun Group Website

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